Strategies to Support Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Needs

Understanding Adverse Childhood Experiences: This workshop is facilitated by an ACE Interface Master Trainer. ACE Interface is a company that was founded by Dr. Rob Anda, a co-principal investigator of the ACES Study.  ACESs are adverse childhood experiences that cause many of our students to be in a constant state of stress and impact brain development and the ability to regulate one’s behavior. Understanding Adverse Childhood Experiences fosters learning and dialogue to create an understanding of challenging behaviors exhibited and why we must approach these behaviors differently to support students’ social and emotional needs before asserting academic expectations. This training session could be adapted; the core material is presented in about an hour, or it could be extended up to a day.

Supporting Students with Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Needs: This workshop is designed to help educators improve instruction and classroom engagement by creating an effective climate, routines and procedures, and expectations. The focus is on proactive supports to reduce disruptive behaviors by meeting physiological needs and the need for safety and belonging. Strategies for responding to noncompliance, disruption, and disrespect will be discussed, and evidence-based practices will be shared.


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